Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nature's Brilliance

Horizontal, color, medium, digital, succulent plant
I captured texture to get all the indents in the plants leaves and to capture the shading in the plant. The picture follows the rule of thirds by having the focus on all of the object and not just in one place. I feel this image was successful in portraying the fullness and smoothness of the plants texture. I like this image but I feel I could have added more of the plant in the frame. The purpose of this image is to capture the viewers interest into thinking where this is.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Horizontal, color, digital, medium size
In my gif, I used depth of field to capture more land to use in my gif and to capture more background to see how long it took to make the gif. I feel I successfully was able to incorporate the elements of composition in it. I think I could have improved this gif by having a more creative gif. The purpose of this gif is to entertain the person looking at it and to captivate them into watching it for a couple of loops. It is just for the purpose of entertaining. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


The photo is a horizontal black and white with a little color of Balboa Park. The elements of composition found in this image are rule of thirds because it is split equally between the thirds and I used the depth of field to capture the all of the building and to get it moderately symmetrical with the trees making people focus on the only uneven part which is the middle. I feel this image is successful in capturing the beauty besides the scenery. The purpose of this image is to capture the the small details in the image and to pop them out.